
¡Arkansas en español!

Spanish is a language spoken by 406 million speakers in 31 countries, and it is the fourth most commonly spoken native language in the world. Spanish is also, of course, a rapidly growing second language in the U.S., and in many new destination areas such as Arkansas and the so-called “new south”:  Latinos are now the largest minority group in the United States, at some 17% of the population, and in some cities in our corner of Northwest Arkansas, such as Rogers and Springdale, Latinos now constitute more than 30% of the population.

U of A students increasingly recognize that cultural competency and linguistic fluency in Spanish will significantly enhance their communication skills, their professional preparation and competitiveness, no matter what their future field of endeavor. As a result, 3000- and 4000-level Spanish enrollments continue to grow dramatically.

Our Spanish program, at the undergraduate level, currently offers a Spanish major, a Spanish minor, and a Spanish minor with business orientation. We also offer a fast-track to the Spanish minor and the Spanish major, popular among the growing population of native and heritage speakers of Spanish on campus: their presence creates a rich mixture of native and non-native speakers in our classes.

Find more information about the Spanish fast-track for native and heritage speakers.

The Spanish program is committed to staying current with new directions and the latest developments in our field. In addition to a wide array of courses in language, literature and culture, the program offers new and expanding course options in service learning (both at home and abroad), in language for special purposes and professions, in oral proficiency development, as well as an upcoming three-course sequence in Spanish for Heritage Speakers.


Violeta Lorenzo-Feliciano
Violeta Lorenzo-Feliciano
Associate Professor
Meet our Spanish instructors and TAs in our departmental directory.

Opportunities with Spanish

The Spanish faculty participate actively and extensively in many interdisciplinary programs across campus, such as European Studies, and our strong program in Latin American and Latino Studies. Students are encouraged to be involved in the many co-curricular and outreach activities we help organize and sponsor or co-sponsor, such as the Cineclub, the Tertulia, our local chapter of the National Spanish Honors Society, Sigma Delta Pi, the volunteer interpreter programs in local schools, and the annual Hispanic Heritage Month author event.'


Sigma Delta Pi - National Collegiate Honors Society

Sigma Delta Pi is the national collegiate Spanish honors society. It signals your commitment to excellence in Spanish as well as certifying your academic achievements. Sigma Delta Pi offers national and local opportunities for networking , community involvement and resumé building activities. More information can be found on their website.
This association has the largest foreign-language honor society in existence. It will help bolster your credentials for any professional field, including business. You will have access to resumé enhancing as well as national and local leadership possibilities. You will also be eligible for exclusive undergraduate awards for study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country.
  • Second-semester sophmore status or beyond
  • Declared Spanish major or minor
  • Overall GPA of 3.2 or better with 3.0 GPA in Spanish courses
  • Completion of at least one Spanish Latin American History or Literature course (e.g. Intro to Lit)
In early Spring, Spanish majors and minor will receive notice that the application season for membership is open. After applying, all qualified applicants will be notified of acceptance and asked for a lifetime membership fee of $50. You will also be advised regarding the date of the initiation ceremony.

Before completing the form below, please review the following information:

Make sure you have met the qualifications for membership in Sigma Delta Pi:

Undergraduate Students

  • At least second semester sophomore standing
  • Completion of a course of Spanish or Latin American literature or civilization (Conversation is not enough)
  • Overall GPA of 3.2 or above
  • GPA of 3.0 or above in all Spanish courses
  • Pursuing a minor or major in Spanish
  • Proper number of Spanish credit hours
  • No incidents of academic dishonesty
    Graduate Students
  • Completion of two graduate courses in Spanish, Latin American or US Latino/a literature
  • Overall GPA of 3.2 or above
  • GPA of 3.0 or above in all Spanish courses
  • Pursuing MA in Spanish or PhD in Comparative Literature (emphasis Hispanic)
  • No incidents of academic dishonesty

It is expected that all members continue to maintain their GPA after induction. Failure to do so may result in probation or expulsion from Sigma Delta Pi.

Submitting Society Dues

For consideration, please fill out this form and pay your initiation fees via mail to the Department of World Languages, att. Sigma Delta Pi, Kimpel 425 by April 10 by 5:00 p.m. 

If accepted, please write a check (or money order, no cash) to Dept of World Languages for $50.00 to cover society dues and the induction ceremony. The induction ceremony for 2023 will take place in April. You will be contacted regarding a decision on your application that includes more information on the specifics of the ceremony.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Rachel TenHaaf (



Interested in Spanish?

For more information, look at Minor Requirements, Major Requirements, Course Listings, and Study Abroad.